Tonight, we will examine contemporary methods of documenting race. As a class, we will attend
Colors of New York City, a performance/event exploring race, color and representation in the five boroughs of New York City. The event will include photographs, audio recordings, films and poetry performances. A diverse group of multimedia artists and audience performers will be present. I encourage you to take advantage of this great opportunity to conduct interviews for your
Life Arts Project. Experienced documentary artists and audio/video equipment will be available. You just need to come prepared with your questions!
To learn more about the event visit the Colors of NYC
Or check out our
online gallery at Viovio.
View a
map to the event location here.
Or view the
READING: Chapter 10, "Advertising Whiteness"
PROJECT: LAP background research is due. (2-3pgs)
- JOURNAL 10 - For your final journal, evaluate the
Colors of New York City performance. Describe one aspect of the event that was inspiring, intriguing or promising. Then, discuss a problematic detail, an aspect that needs improvement.
Colors of New York City, was different. I never experience an event, like that. The performance were excellent. The atmosphere was delightful. The ambiance of that night was peaceful. The people were friendly. There are a lot of Colors in New York City. The sight are exquisite. Some area of New York City are sad, but enlighten. Thank You, for inviting me. Wanda G.
The Colors of New York City exhibit was amazing. Throughout the event, I was focusing on the collaborative effort made to mingle the neighborhoods together as the guests did the same. Everyone did an exceptional job with the visuals and audio aspects. I thought they surpassed my audio efforts by far. The audio interviews were so amazing to me, so candid and revealing, that I listened to them over and over again. Kudos to all my fellow students.
What I would have liked is to see more diverse, unrepresented areas of the city. There are so many clusters of people out there that bring amazing culture and color to the city. Our focus was the “colors” which we achieved, but there is so much more to see.
I loved the poetry. Poetry is so personal: an expression of self. I thank them for sharing it.
I have to add, the personal experience for me was awesome. I never thought I would or could be involved in anything so New York-ee.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. TML
I liked the Colors of New York City's performance. It was something new for me. The pictures were creative and poetry was good and meaningful. What was inspiring to me was the pictures of the different locations were the artist lived. It was a good way to view the different areas in New York City.
The Colors of New York City event was wonderful,I enjoyed the poetry and the exhibits. The artists were very creative. I enjoyed reading the articles about the five boroughs. Jen you put together an awesome event about the different colors in New York City.
I was unable to attend the Colors show, because of a family emergency. However, I have lived on the Lower East Side of Manhattan since I was three years old. I believe that L.E.S. is one of the most diverse communities in the city. A few semesters ago I did a research paper about the tenements on the L.E.S., and Jewish and Irish have long been apart of L.E.S. Then the Puerto Ricans, Blacks, Chinese, Italians and the list goes on. Because of my early interactions with people from different backgrounds I have never had a problem with anyone. I enjoy the fact that I am surrounded by so mant different people, it makes life exciting. Oh, and did I mention, there is always something different to eat. The Lower East Side has always been my "Colors of New York City."
Hello Jen, I do really like the
performance. All Artists did a
good job. Hector's poetry
almost made me cried because I
remembered my father that night.
He lived in Harlen for 15 years
and he had good relationship with
many African Americans in the
neighborhood. The Color
of New York City showed me that
there are diverse colors in
different neighborhoods. There are
beautiful areas in New York City
and also poor areas in which
people have to confront with
poverty. Jen thank
you for the invitation.
Martha Fuentes
The Colors of New York City was extremely amazing. I had no idea I was in for such a treat. I enjoyed myself very much. The artists were extraordinaryly good and the different types of poetry were excellent. The photographs were brilliant. Afua Kafi-Akua style of poetry was "mind blowing" and she was very deep. I also liked seeing my classmates who were in the performance so proud of the production and the hard work they put in to this project for the passed eight months paid off. Jen you were a "GREAT" host for the event. The poetry reading is what intrigued me the most. The poets were inspiring with their work which I could tell came from their souls. Geneva Burch, Hector Lino and Afua Kafi-Akua work you could tell came from personnal experiences within their lives, that is why I believe they were able to put so much passion into the pieces they presented. I didn't feel the exhibis or the preformances had any problems. One thing I didn't understand was the silent film by Beverly Britton called, "The Argument." This film was very good and I feel Beverly worked very hard on it but I really didn't understand what she was trying to get across to her audience. I feel the next production you have you might want to incorporate a program for the audience, this will help you organize the artist and high-light the different exhibits a little better. Please let me know when you will be having any other exhibits and performances. I would like to attend your events. Keep up the good work and thank you so much for inviting me to share in your special event.
The Colors of New York City was very inspirational. I enjoyed seeing the different persepectives one sees within their community. The artists did an exceptional job. The ambiance and setting was very nice. The people were friendly and approachable. I was able to see that within New York, there are many cultures, races and nationalities.One learns that New York is a multicultural place and people from all across the world came here to live in unity. If this could happen everywhere, there might not be wars nor confusion.
The poetry was also great. I was able to relate to it. Good job Jen and crew. You did a superb job.
I enjoyed the exhibit, the colors of New York. It was a great experience, very creative. Thanks to all the students who participated you really showed the diverse culture in New York.
The poetry reading was great. Well-done thank Jen for this experience.
Colors of New York City was truly a very nice event that left a positive stain on my brain. I enjoyed networking with everyone. Although, I was busy at the door and pitching in wherever I can, the experience and the ambiance made me feel good and I felt like I was part of the event. The poetry was also good and I enjoyed it very much. Hector was one of the best. His poetry on relationships was one that I could identify with. I invited my sister and she also enjoyed the event. Everyone was having a good time and I can really say that the artistic work was also a meaningful and educational one. I wish that my daughters were there with me to enjoy this event w/me. Hopefully next time. Thanks Jen very much for inviting me and I would be more than happy to assist you whenever I can.
Thanks Again For Everything.
I really enjoyed "Colors of New York City" and my favorite artist was "EVERYONE" (smile). I can relate to one's neighborhood (being a Harlemnite, myself) showed the emotions and feelings all boiled up into one artform.
The initimate setting I really loved. I felt the words, seen the artwork, and heard the sounds through the media view movies.
Thanks for that opportunity of experienceing something different.
I look forward to your next debut.
Colors of New York City was very exciting, a night to remember because I love poetry and the poets inspired me to start writing again. Also, I enjoyed looking at the art of the different neighborhoods because New York is a very big place it always amazes me to see different parts of it, it's like traveling I like to go site seeing all the time even if it is just right here in New york. Keep up the good work looking forward to future events, Sharon.
The Colors of New York City exhibit was very interesting. I must say it was a first for me and am glad that I had that exposure. There is a variety of colors in New York and the artists were able to bring that forth with their creations. I found the poetry to be meaningful and do wish them all success with their up and coming books. The atmosphere was awesome,relaxing and an audience of color. It was a delightful experience and thanks again for the invite.
- Benita
Colors of New York City were a nice event to see. The artist works were wonderful. I am sad to say wish I was able stay in the fall independent studies with you Jen. I would have been able to have had my work displayed. The best thing about this project was no of the students before would have thought that now they would be consider an artist. The one thing I like the most was the Poem by Geneva. Why I like it so much was that I saw my self in the poem as she was saying it. In today world people are afraid to speak up and there are a lot of hinded talents in peoples. So we as the adult should educate our kid to voice how they feel in writing, taking pictures, drawing, sing any thing.
The colors of new York city was exciting. I thought It gave alot of exposure to the arts and it was an enlighting experience. I was glad to have been a part. We need more exposure to projects like that. It help me see people in a different light because we are all artist of all colors and cultures. Together we can accomplish a common goal.
Please don't hestitate to invite me to the next event.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Colors of New York was amazing. Everyone that participated in the exhibit was amazing. The part I liked the most was the poetry. It was something new for me but I'm glad I attended. The audio clips along with the pictures were also great. I could go on and on but I just want to say that I loved the whole idea and i think it turned out to be a blast !
this was my first time being at a art show and really enjoying myself. it was well put together and organized.everyone apperared to be enjoying themselves. that was very nice of the past students to come out and share thier different photos of thier neigborhoods. it was very informative, interesting, and entertaining. i really had a nice evening.thanks jen!
I enjoyed the colors of new York, the experience was awesome. I was happy to see all types of positive people come together under one roof.Jen you really did your thing on this event. You introduced my son and I to all types of poetry,movies that I found very interesting. TTribble
The colors of New York was very informative. The paticipants were outstanding with there performances. They all did a wonderful job, it shows the talents an efforts that the put forward. You never would think that poetry would mean so much but it does its something thats heartfelt by many, because expression means alot to people. Like i said everyone was awesome and i would support them at anytime. I would like to encourage them to keep up the good work and keep focus and they will be successful at a new goal that they probably didn't realize they had the talent for. Jen they would be so thankful because without you and your support they would've never try to pursue what you brought out of them. Thanks for inviting our class to such as wonderful performance.
Michelle j
Colors of New York, has enlighten me that people can be from different background and can still get along. So, it brings of right back to race; Can we all get along? Jen this was a fabulous event and hope CNR encourages more of this type of settings. I really didn't get the part that Beverly was trying to promote. The poetry was just phenominal from all the actors.
Jen I miss class Wednesday because I was out of town for funeral. I apologized for not letting you know earlier, it was an emergency.
Hi, Jen
The event Colors of New York City was very interesting. It showed different aspects of each borough, how difference ethnics groups experience race in their community. Each photograph was layout quite interesting especially with the sound it gave it a different flavor. It had a very unique artistic style. The performers all had good energy and were very proud of their work, which was excellent.
Olga A.
I was unable to attend the gallery session, but due to modern technology I can still view their work of art. Pencil on Canvas were very outstanding especially Mr & Mrs Eagles, they brouht a smile to my face. Anything regarding the Lion King I will enjoy that is one of my favorite movie and broadway play. The mural on the brooklyn Restaurant was nice I was able to place a couple of names with faces. I do not know Larry Bud Melman so I was unable to identify him. The Simspon in Staten Island, where else could Homer be, but in the Colors of New York City.
Thanks for the invite, The Colors of New York City was great. If only there were more Jens in this world.It was great that you give people the opportunity to express themselves as ARTIST. Sonja
I truly enjoyed The Colors of New York, I love the fact that so many people saw New York in many differnt ways and this is how they portyed them. It took a lot of time and effort to take these pictures and make the videos. Which let me see New York in a diffrent light.
Later Days :)
I missed the trip this nightI was out of town this weekend and was not able to attend this event.
Karen T.
I was very pleased with the show and the turn out, as well as the hospitality. A presentation such as this took group effort and was not just thrown together. I was very inspired by the poetry readings. The depth and substance of each prose allowed me to enter the heart and mind of the writer. Some of the readers should work on their presentation (as far as volume and speed), but the message was sincere.
I never experienced anything like the Colors of New York, the people were fantastic, the sights er incredible. The artists are very creative and the pictures were awesome.
I'm so glad I came, thanks for the invite
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