Today's lesson focused on an attempt to define "race" and to track its origins while outlining a brief history of race relations. Our primary goal was to examine the changing definitions of "race" and to connect these definitions to their historical and political purposes. Race and its resulting social implications is quite a sticky and elusive topic; nonetheless, we were able to agree to the following significant points: 1) that "race" is a scientific concept commonly connected to its cultural companion "ethnicity;" 2) that "race" and "ethnicity" are NOT synonymous; 3) that "race" developed primarily as an ideology to support global colonialism; 4) that "race" in America evolved through a number of historical events - colonialism, expansionism, post-war reconstruction, anti-colonialism and civil rights, political correctness, and the contemporary phenomenon of the racial chameleon (Entman and Rojecki, chapter 1); and 5) that "race" and the racial relations that ensue from varying definitions of "race" are defined, illustrated and programmed through many media forms. (Above is a poster advertising a "human zoo" in Stuttgart, Germany in 1928, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism.) For more info, take a look at Race and Racism.
READING: Chapters Two and Three - "White Racial Attitudes in the Heartland" and "Culture, Media, and the White Mind"
PROJECT: Write a half-page research paper proposal. The proposal should include the following: 1) a description of the stereotype you will investigate; 2) a statement about the connection between this stereotype and media; 3) a conclusion and/or thesis about the media-stereotype connection you indicate.
MEDIA: Please view the following media clips for next class.
The Cosby Show (pilot)
The Jeffersons
In Living Color
- JOURNAL 2 - Outline your stereotype example. Include one piece of research (online) defining and/or illustrating your stereotype. Make a statement about the connection between this piece of media and your stereotype. (This will be the basis for your research proposal.)
A "sterotype" is a generalization about a person or group of persons.
http://www.remember.org/guide/History.root.sterotype.html retrieved on 2/1/2007
The "grouping" of people or "generalizing" people is the ignorance of ones ability to acknowledge and to respect culture, religion, gender, etc.
An example of a racial stereotype is racial and ethnic profiling. According to the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia states that racial profiling has often been paired with accusations of racial discrimination agaist Blacks and Hispanics. It also states racial biased policing includes discriminatory treatment of racial and ethnic minrities. The Wikipedia also states advocates of ethnic profiling wish to use it as a means to single out individuals for special scrutiny and restrictions of their liberty for alleged security and law enforcement purposes. I believe
racial and ethnic profiling is when white police officers think every African-American male standing on a street corner, wearing baggy jeans and a hooded sweatshirt is doing something suspicious.
J. Johnson
Hollywood Films & Racist Stereotypes.
Hollywood movies have been a measuring tool for cultural changes in our society, especially when it comes to racist stereotypes. I hope to examine the stereotypes of three eras of film, the silent film, Technicolor and the contemporary.
From the silent film era, “The Birth of a Nation” (1915), “Intolerance” (1916), and “Broken Blossoms” (1919), Directed by D.W. Griffith. Each raised controversy and depicted racist views that were most commonly upheld at that time. From the Technicolor era, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”, (1967) and from contemporary era “The Green Mile.” (1999)
I hope to show if The Hollywood Film industry has progressed when it comes to racism in film.
When a person is stereotyped, we group them around their faults and not their positives. They are grouped into culture, religion, race, age, work ethics, etc. We believe they all share the same traits of each other and not their individual identity.
Most stereotypes that are placed on people are negative since many of us have narrow images of people.
The danger of stereotyping people is that the person whom we stereotyped believe this to be true and they then fall victim of the perception given on them. When this happens, it just validates ignorance and negativity.
Stereotyping is a natural function of the human/cultural mind and is therefore morally neutral in and of itself. A culture, however, endorses moral or immoral actions based upon the beliefs and assumptions implicit in the simplifying stereotype, and every culture seeks to simplify a complex reality so that it can better determine how best to act in any given circumstance. According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, stereotypes are ideas held about members of particular groups, based solely on membership in that group. They are often used in a negative or prejudicial sense and are frequently used to justify certain discriminatory behaviors.
My research paper in stereotyping of women in the media and television.
In contemporary stereotypes people may say that middle Eastern people are terrorist.
Italians are in the mob.
Jews are greedy for money.
Asians are intelligent.
michelle J.
A stereotype is a cognitive stucture containing beliefs and expectations about a social group.
Recently I recieved an email that was very disturbing to me. It contained pictures of caucassion college students celebrating a holiday in which they made up that they celebrate on the day before Martin L.King day. At this celebration they dress their whole bodies in black, tape fourty ounce beer bottles to thier hands,wear gold chains and teeth, and they stuff thier backsides in representation of a black female. All of this is done to represent African Americans and how they think we live in their eyes.
Stereotyping, is when someone or a group of people believe that all people are the same. After September 11th, a lot of Americans put all muslims into the same category, (terrorist). The picture I brought into class was from The New York Times,2001. The picture was from a music cover in the 1900's. Sinclair
Stereotyping have been a major issues concerning African Americans for centuries from slavery,civil rights, and still in the twenty first century. In Friday's New York Post,Senator Joseph Biden stated that"Barack Obama was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy to run for the White House" For the most part,he's only stating what most White American feel,that African- Americans are not articulate, bright, clean and nice looking. Sonja
what is equality to me? equality is being treated as an equal. being given the sames rights as the next person.
andrea scott
Sterotypes are generalizations or assumptions, that people make about characteristics of all members of a group based on an image about what people in that group are like.
A contemporary example of a racial stereotype is presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama. The media is already smearing his name because of projected racism. The media is linking his name "Obama" with the name of one of most wanted man in the world "Osama" Bin Laden. The name "Hussein" is also link with "Sadaam Hussein." This is an intent to discourage voters because he was schooled in the Middle East and have that name doesn't mean he is one of them. The main focused should be is he qualify for the job. And to review what qualities he has to lead the country....
Carol J.
Stereotyping often results from and leads to prejudice and bigotry. We develop stereotypes when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the infromation we would need to make fair judgements about people situations.
A number of stereotypes surfaced as I thought about this topic. The two that stood out the most were Black men are HUNG and Italian's are involved in organized crime. The research I will use to support these topics will be HUNG: A Meditation on the Measure of Black Men in America, written by Scott Poulson-Bryant,movies and interviews. For Italian stereotype I will use articles, movies and books for support.
A Stereotype I heard from a males perspective on morning radio about women that was disturbing was that "most educated & beautiful women are crazy". what a bias statement.
In my research paper I will discuss how the image of artists/rappers and women are being exploited in the Hip Hop/entertainment industry.
The entertainment industry uses the media to portray hip hop lyrics and video images of artists to sell records. However they are exploiting artists and women degrading women to get the sales. Some have expressed dismay with the standard mainstream hip-hop formula of bling, vulgarity and commodification of women's bodies. The use of calling women chicken heads, bitches, hoes, etc. The stereotype that all rappers sell drugs and pimp women. Coincidentally, some artists have set the standard for such depictions -- including Fat Joe, Ludacris, Ying Yang Twins, and Nelly just to name a few.
In conclusion, not all rappers are “gangsta rappers”. I think Kanye West and Common offer a positive role model image for black males, but that is not to say that 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg and others don't also offer a positive image.
Karen T.
My example of racial stereotype is black people being stereotyped because of their race or color of their skin. They have been stereotyped since slavery.
This is the best class!
Sterotyping is puting a group of people in a specific catagory like: All Asians are short and eat noodles, All Black people have bad attitudes, All Caucasions think they are better than eveyone else, All spanish people have good hair, All Gay people have AIDS, ect. Sterotyping is being also being racist. You are actually judging a person based on their ethnic back groung and what they look like. To say that all Africana Americans have bad attitudes is wrong i have met some humble African Americans, who have actually have a hard life and have every right to be angry but they are not. I have also met some Asians who are about six feet somthing and can't stand any type of pasta.
An example of a racist stereotype can be all black people like fried chichken,also all Italian people eat pizza Theresa Tribble
Stereotype: An oversimplistic and exaggerated belief about members of an ethnic group, genernally acquired secondhand and resistant to change despite contrary evidence. For example the "The Black Aunt Jemima's red bandanna, on the flour bag, or the Black Man on the Uncle Ben Rice".
Stereotype: An oversimplistic and exaggerated belief about members of an ethnic group, generally acquired secondhand and resistant to change despite contrary evidence. For example: The overweight "Aunt Jemima's red bandanna on the flour bag or the Black Man on the Uncle Rice.
Middle Eastern people are terrorist.
Italians are in the mob.
Jews are greedy for money.
Asians are intelligent.
In the year of 1940 Pepsi-cola chief executive Walter Mack,established a "negro-market" department,whichwas led by Edward Boyd and 12 other black professionals. This was done to develop a marketing strategy seeking African-American economic. This was the first strategy attempt to target a black consumers as a distinct market. According to Stephaine Capparell the author of the The Real Pepsi challenge: The Inspirtional Story of Breaking the Color Barrier in American Business, also a editor and writer for The Wall Street Journal stated "Through Mack was a guarded idealist. his consent for a campaign aimed at black consumers was primarily motivated by the pursit of profits - and the campaignsucceeded, boosting Pepsi's earnings and market share." Saundra
My topic for my research paper is going to be on Racism. After several thoughts and changes i decided to write about racism because i wanted to educate myself as well as others. Also, we discussed racism in class and watched films and guess speakers attended our class to speak to us that i thought that i can only take what I've learned and elaborated on it a little more. Racist jokes, name calling and violent racist attacks happen often. We all belong to one species, the human species. Racism is the mistake that some people, or groups, or race think that they are better than others. The truth of the matter is that we are different.
Cathy P.
Sterotypes are put into existence because they have some truth to them. May be the majority of a certain group of people all do something a like, but may be it is because people mimick each other or enjoy the same things. Some poeple use sterotypes as law. Laws to live by that all people are a certain way and a lot of us use sterotypes in one way or another. Like when blacks talk about white poeple. We all need to check ourselves whether before or after the realization that people's trained, train of thought needs critiquing. It is very hard to live in a bubble and not be affected by what the majority of people around you are saying and what they believe and try to convince you is true, but we put stay pure.
Black women have been stereotyped through the years and have been subjected to verbal abuse. If a woman is nicely dressed with a shapely body she is considered as a Jezebel because she is sexy. Worse if she is larger, then she is a mammy type to take care of everyones else's children but not her own.
Anonymous said...
Black women have been stereotyped through the years and have been subjected to verbal abuse. If a woman is nicely dressed with a shapely body she is considered as a Jezebel because she is sexy. Worse if she is larger, then she is a mammy type to take care of everyones else's children but not her own.
A conventional, oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. All black people have thick big lips. That stereotype is not true. Stereotypes leave a negative opinion about certain races and people become self conscious about how they look instead of excepting who they are. Stereotypes will always be around, it's up to the individual.
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