Wednesday, January 24, 2007

SESSION ONE: Introduction

Our first class lingered on introductions and a review of the syllabus and course requirements - including online journals, a research paper, a life arts project and a final presentation. To view the course syllabus, schedule and project requirements, select the desired post from the Blog Archive section of the sidebar.

READING: Preface and Chapter One, "The Racial Chameleon"
PROJECT: Find an example of a racial stereotype. Bring your example to share in class!

Weekly journals must be posted to this site. Simply review the question below; select the "Comments" link; type your response in the text box - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED "Anonymous" - and click the "Login and Publish" button. And, voila, you're homework assignment is complete! Let's give it a try.

- JOURNAL ONE - Define race.


Anonymous said...

Race refers to variation or differences in skin tone, facial features and hair texture of another group of people.

The truth of the matter is, the gene differences are very few when compared to the gene commonalities. People of different races are much more alike genetically than they are different from one another.

In my mind, race means the human race. We vary in many ways physically. Yet we all breathe air, need water and food to survive and have the capacity to love. That's what makes us all one race.

Anonymous said...

Race is many aspect expressed in ugly and negative ways through religion, sexual orientation, discrimmination, and agism.


Anonymous said...

The term race distinguishes one population of an animal, (including humans) from another of the same species. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (skin color, facial features and hair texture), genes, and self-identification.

Conceptions of race, as well as specific racial groupings, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial, because of their impact on social identity and identity politics.

Anonymous said...

a group of people united by a common history, nationality, or tradition msttribble

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone!

Race is food, the color of your skin, the clothes you wear, the texture of your hair, the shape or your eyes, the religion you follow, and the person you love. I say the person you love because some people feel that it is safest to live and love the person who is of the same ethnic background as your self, but thats a whole nother story.

Later Days :)

Jen said...


Anonymous said...

Race to me means humans as a group, who are separated by nationality. Although we all need the same things to survive, we are still categorized by society.

Cirissa Spencer

Anonymous said...

what is race? race is a group of people united together on the basis of common can also be different cultures, and beliefs.
andrea scott

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Race can be define as people of different ethnic background, cultures, customs and nationality. The bottom line is everyone is part of the 'human race' regardless of what four corners of the earth you're from.

CJ (correction)

Anonymous said...
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Maria said...

The American heritage dictionary defines race as a group of people united by a common history and nationality.
But race divides people based on the color of their skin,appearance and culture


Anonymous said...

What is race? Race is a very complex concept. According to Webster's II New College Dictionary race is defined as a group of peole united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality or geographic distribution.

In my opinion I think race is a seperation of people by different background, skin color and religion.


Anonymous said...

Race does not only refer to humans/mankind, it can be referred to all living things, i.e., plants and animals. Race is defined to link a common bond between all.

When we (humans) speak of race, we refer basically to other humans; their unity of color, culture, nationality and genetics.

With that in mind, prejudice is then formed where certain groups find themselves more superior to the next.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, race is a cluster of human beings who are grouped together because of the way they may look, sound, genetics, physical feature or ethics.
J. Johnson

Renee Mosley said...

I define race as a group of people with different cultures and and different enthnic backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

Whatis race? Race is an socially constructed category of humans, classified on the basic of certain arbitrarily selected hereditary characteristic that differentiate them from other human group


Anonymous said...

Define Race: Race is the differences in looks (color of skin), customs and language in a group of people living together in an association.

It is really going to be a good class.


Anonymous said...

Race is a socially constructed category of humans, classified on the basis of certain arbitrarily selected hereditary characteristics that differentiate them from other human groups.


Anonymous said...

Race is a group of persons related by common descent or heredity. It is any traditional divisions of humankind characterized by physical characteristics.


Anonymous said...

Race is a group of people who are categorized by the complexion of their skin color. This does not have anything to do with their language. For example Black Americian, Caribbean including Haitian and with African all can be categorized as one race, but each group speaks a different language. saundra Amedee

Anonymous said...

Race is your heritage or family background. It identifies you with a class of people on modern culture. It also represents people together as one nationality.

Anonymous said...

Race is define for me as wrong action classifying and group of people that of a particular group. Although society doesn't say so, I would define "Race" as just being human. When you begin to group people together in your own little circle of what's right and what's wrong, you're classifing everyone else as "other" thats not a good look because no one is perfect.


Anonymous said...

Race is a term that was created by people who had power. The government, senetors ect. To me there is only one race and that is the human race. There are several nationalities, cultures, religions,and languages, but I still believe that there is only one race.

Anonymous said...

The term race distinguishes one population of an animal, (including humans) from another of the same species. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (skin color, facial features and hair texture), genes, and self-identification.

Conceptions of race, as well as specific racial groupings, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial, because of their impact on social identity and identity politics.

Karen T. forgot to put my name the first time.

Anonymous said...

1. The competition between two or more competitors.

2. The term "Race" distinguishes one population of animal from another of the same species (humans included)mostly used are caegories baked on visible traits like skin color, skin shade, hair texture and facial features.


Anonymous said...

What is Race?
1. A local geographic or global human population distunguished by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2.A group of people united by a common history, nationality, or tradition.

Race to me is groups of people with different cultures and nationalities. Race can be defined by the color of the skin, language and lifestyles.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to put name What is Race?

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Как гладить рубашки из мятой ткани? [/url]
Обсудите, пожалуйста... Я постараюсь относиться ко всем хорошо. Не судить по первому впечатлению, постараюсь взять в толк, отчего человек совершил то или же иное. Как бы встать на его место. Но в голове сами собой возникают мысли - мол, дурно одет или же, грубо говоря, пахнет от человека. Или вот он глупость сказал! Но так как по сути это не моё дело! Каждый человек хорош по-своему. Но я, к примеру, не могу общаться с тем, у кого не помытая голова, к примеру. Неприятно.
Может, моё старание всё же не обращать на это внимания - результат фильмов о дружбе, любви, коие я посмотрела в детстве? Как-то из детства я вынесла то, что нужно ко всем относиться хорошо. А моё плохое всё время вырывается наружу!!! Может, это как внешность - передаётся по наследству и безрезультатно с этим бороться?